

I'm not sure which is more disturbing, the fact that I'm up at 12:30 a.m. on a week day or that yesterday (as of 30 minutes ago) was St. Patty's day and I didn't even wear green...the thought never even crossed my mind. I always wear green on St. Patty's day! Not because I'm Irish, although that's not out of the realm of possibility, but my name is very Irish and I feel like I have a kinship with that holiday:) Anyway, enough about me...I took a few photos on my way home from work yesterday! I always feel so much better about things after I've been behind a camera for a few minutes.


  1. Love them! Love the dogwood picture!!

  2. Thank you sister!!! I can't wait to see ya'll tonight!!

  3. The Bradford Pear tree was in bloom when Thomas and I married - so we never forget our anniversary! We usually notice it budding and start to make plans . . . I hung a photograph of one since you were here. But yours put mine put mine to shame!

  4. Oh what a wonderful way to remember a special day!! I think the blooms are so beautiful, I took these at a park on my way home from work...its hard to take a bad picture of something so beautiful! I bet yours looks great!!
