

Just a few oldies I never got around to posting on here. These are all unedited, its pretty hard to improve on the perfection of God's creation.


little hummingbird

This little guy has been hanging around my bedroom window for a while (sounds kinda creepy huh...it's not what you think haha) I was finally able to get a few shots of him, they're a bit blurry since they're taken from inside the house.


A few photos from a shoot I did with my sister and her husband in California. I'm always a willing participant when it comes to photographing my nephew! He is such a joy and I could gush on and on about him, but I'll spare you all the bragging. I can't wait to see him in a few weeks and I cannot believe he will be one year in September. Little Landon will be a big boy soon! I'm sure I'll be posting lots of photos of his "big boy" party!



I snapped a few shots on my way home the other day, the lighting was perfect. Listening to Winter Song by Sarah Mclachlan, I could listen to her all day long and never get tired of her voice.



I have big plans for my bathroom this weekend. I'm thinking something cool and neutral rather than bright like I have it decorated now. Just a few snaps of what I have in mind. The room is really small so dark colors wouldn't work well and there's no windows so a light color would definitely work best. I can't wait to get started. I'm tired of looking at the same color on the wall. I'll be posting before and after photos.



The huge city of Toronto, buildings as far as the eye can see.

The CN Tower had a glass floor that overlooked downtown Toronto and the parks below. Wow. It took a bit of courage on my part to step onto the glass and view the ground below from over 1,800 feet above the city...I did though! Can you see the tiny people below?

The view from the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario.

This is New York's half of Niagara Falls.

This would be Toronto from the CN Tower. I loved this city! There was so much diversity.

Just a few shots from a recent trip to New York and Canada. I had an excellent tour guide around this beautiful place. It's so humbling to see God's hand at work, I loved the rainbows arching over the water. I didn't take as many photos as I usually do, but I'm thankful for the ones I did get.



I've been neglecting my poor little blog. I've been busy with a few things lately, but I'm going to attempt to be more diligent with my updating. Summer is coming to a close, I'll miss the sunshine and long days...probably won't be missing all this 100 degree weather we have here in Georgia though.



Wow I can't believe July has flown by so quickly! Time is so fleeting, but I love that I can capture moments, memories and time with my camera!